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i-Medical Corporation System

Provide best quality healthcare for you

  • e-Aushadhi
    A Drug Warehouse Management System
  • HFMS
    Human Resource & Finance Management System
  • EMMS
    Equipment Maintenance & Management System
Drug Section

Carry out procurement of drugs, surgical & Reagents.

EMMS Section

Carry Out Procurement of Equipment & Instruments

Account Section

Payment of Bills, Preparation of Accounts.


Statistical Maintenance of Data.


Storage and Distribution of drugs to 11 RWH of State.

QA Section

To ensure the quality of drugs.

Admin Section

Establishment and Personnel work.

Reports Section

To generate reports based on user requirements

Our facilities

Patients served under i-MCS

About i-MCS

i-MCS is a blend of various statutory bodies like EMMS, HFMS and e-Aushadhi. EMMS takes care of all the equipment handling and its maintenance. HFMS being the care taker of Human Resource and Finance System. e-Aushadhi is a web based supply chain management application which deals with Purchase, Inventory Management & Distribution of various drugs etc.